Friday, October 8, 2010


Ok, really long time since I last posted. Righto....

Its A Levels in about 3 weeks. Now, that is really bloody terrifying, and although things have improved (I only sorta failed Chem, all other H2s have a shot at an A), I'm still not sure. My Chem simply has too many gaps in my knowledge, and I'm really afraid I won't be able to shore it up in time, let alone practice it. Lets see...Transistion Metals, Grp II, Grp VII, Periodicity, Nitrogen Compounds, all pretty piss poor. Just gotta bite down and deal with it. Wish me luck.

On another note, I've developed a taste for heavy metal (shock!). Iron Man, Paranoid, Ace Of Spades, For Whom The Bell Tolls. Ear worms for the foreseeable future. Though, there is Bloodbank by Bon Iver, but that;s mostly for the catchy bass riff. Sorry Vivien, your liking for alternative genre really is pretty eclectic. Even by my standards, hahaha! Of course, can't not mention Thousand Suns by Linkin Park, but since I haven't got my dirty paws on it yet, I can't really comment.

And on dirty paws laying, I've been on a spending spree on Black Tact. A revolver, a 1911, and a compact P222, an IBH helmet. Ok, found out that I don't like compact pistols, so who wants a modded, weighted, painted P222? Xiangan, of course, has first dibs. Oh, and he got himself a Nerf Stampede (finally), though he now owes me $30. The guy is Spending with a capital S. Wings of Liberty ($100+) and now a $90+ Nerf... not that I'm any better :D

I love my GP. Really I do. I'm done being afraid of sounding like I'm bragging, I just gonna say it straight. I love being good at something. Its a feeling I could certainly get used to. At least its a useful skill, not like being able to play Halo. BUT, its a huge pressure on me to do well in it. That pedestal is high and precarious, and I wished it wasn't so lonely... For example, I read a Noam Chomsky essay today about USA Imperialism, and was struck by how similar the country is with... Albus Dumbledore (cue ppl going WTF? Sorry lads, been reading too much Fanfiction) I mean, both were heroes in some old war (WW2 VS Grindlewald & Tom Riddle), both have a penchant for having their way at the expense of other, both are pretty much a law onto themselves... I was so excited by this line of thought, I really wanted to discuss it with somebody. Of course, I couldn't. They'll just shake their heads and think I'm bloody weird, so.... But dammit, I wished I could bounce this silly nonsense off someone. That's why I miss Wesley. We could talk all sorts of pseudo-intellectual BS together and not feel self conscious about it. No one equivalent now. Now, I'm just this crazy guy who is supposed to get top in GP everytime. It scared the crap out of me when Mr Koh said there were 1 or 2 surprises in the GP Prelims. In my head, I was going "CRAP! I'm the surprise right? BuggerBuggerBugger!Bzzzzt. Windows has encountered an error it was unable to recover from..." This can't be good for my long term health. Yes, it sounds like I'm bragging, and I apologise. I just really want to get it off my chest.

Ye, ok, this post is long enough. I'll write more something later.

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